Hi All, I enjoy probability games. I think kids do too. Dice, spinners, and cards, all of these figure importantly in many board games. Dice Roll explores some of the probability around a pair of dice. 1. Partner students and give them a copy of the Dice Roll Record Sheet, a pair of dice, and a pencil. The link is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kxOcSpD3t90OFMKK01eht2FbZlI5CFUq/view?usp=sharing 2. Explain that we are going to investigate which numbers come up most frequently when rolling dice. Give students an opportunity to predict which sum they think will come up most often. Students should take turns rolling the dice as many times as possible for twenty minutes. As they roll they should record the sum of each roll on the record sheet using tally marks. 3. After the allotted time, have players tally the totals for each sum and write down the sum (or sums) that came up the most. 4. Have students think about why this sum came up the most and write down t...