Hi All, Here's another simple game, that believe it or not, you can play happily with kids from PK through Grade 12. It's BOWLING FOR NUMBERS. With this game you can work on adding and subtracting, data collection, and data recording. You can deal with whole numbers, fractions, negative numbers, square roots, whatever kind of number you want. First get some pins. You can buy very inexpensive plastic bowling sets at toy stores or online or you can use plastic bottles to create your own. Any kind of ball will do. I like to use a smaller ball like a tennis ball or golf ball so it is more challenging. Now label the pins with the numbers you want your players to deal with. I just write the numbers on pieces of paper and tape them on the pins (or use sticky notes) so I can re-use the pins any way I want as my players change in ability. Choose the number of pins you want, set them up in any design you want, then players roll the ball, knock pins down, and add up the VALUE of the...